Betekenis van:
rent out

to rent out
    • grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee
    "We rent out our apartment to tourists every year"





    1. I am looking out for a house to rent.
    2. Can I stay with you? I was kicked out of my house because I didn't pay the rent.
    3. Rent and fitting-out of premises, vehicles
    4. DPI pays a rent of EUR […] for […] m2 which works out at about EUR […] per m2.
    5. Also, this company rented warehouses from third parties but the rent charged did not single out electricity costs.
    6. They are thus creating the possibility that a centre can rent out premises and/or offer other services to SMEs.
    7. The initial rent of EUR 2,6 million per year stipulated in the lease was based directly on the market valuation of rent for the Ahoy complex carried out by Deloitte [9].
    8. The transfer of the benefit to the buyer is carried out normally through a reduction in the rent charged during the operating period (a ‘lease’ package).
    9. It suggested that the rent received by BT when renting out its own infrastructure could serve as guidance for the value of the network.
    10. The valuation of this hypothetical annual rent is carried out by the Valuation Office Agency (‘VOA’), an executive agency of the Inland Revenue, part of central government.
    11. For each ship fitted out on the parallel berth, Rolandwerft had to rent an additional auto crane on some […] occasions for […] each and a smaller swimming crane on […] occasions for […] each.
    12. In its decision to initiate the procedure, the Commission suggested two possible sources of rental evidence: either the rent received by BT when renting out its own infrastructure or transfer prices between BT's retail business and BT's wholesale business.
    13. Under the measure in question, the providers are responsible for constructing and managing a centre. They are thus creating the possibility that a centre can rent out premises and/or offer other services to SMEs.
    14. According to the provisional calculations submitted by Germany, the largest item in the EUR 21,6 billion figure is the performance obligation taken over from LPFV: it amounts to EUR [...]**, comprising EUR [...]** to indemnify LPFV in respect of liabilities arising out of rent and dividend guarantees and EUR [...]** to indemnify it in respect of risks arising out of the renewal guarantees for buildings.
    15. The Commission pointed out that most of the eligible costs taken into account for the specific aid granted to WAM SpA in 1995, such as rent, insurance, and miscellaneous facilities and operating costs (in particular for personnel, furniture and equipment) for a permanent place of business abroad, might have to be classified as aid for the establishment and operation of a distribution network.